The Ferrells

Thursday, December 2, 2010

24 Days of Christmas

Last year I started a new tradition for my family and I call it the 24 Days of Christmas. My sister in law Ashley found an awesome Advent Countdown (picture to come) and we brainstormed ideas together of what to do. Well my girls absolutely loved doing it last year and they couldn't wait to do it again this year.
Day 1
Yesterday was the first day and we decided to put up the Christmas tree and decorate it as our activity. All 3 girls loved doing it and 2 out of the 3 were very helpful (I bet you can guess who wasn't so helpful). It turned out great and we have enjoyed turning off the lights and turning on the Christmas lights.
Here is Alexis putting on her very first Christmas ornament (she then tried to take all of the other Christmas ornaments off the tree!)
Hailey was great at spacing out the ornaments and putting on the bows.

Peyton was such a great help and even "tried" to help Alexis understand that taking the ornaments off the tree was not okay.

Here is the final product. I think we did a great job.


La Famille B said...

FaNATastic tree. I can just imagine how helpful your little cutie was. Again, so excited to see what else you do.

Nicole said...

I love that your doing the 24 days of Christmas....we are too! Well, hopefully we'll do all 24 days!