The Ferrells

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

May 2013

May was a very busy month.  We started the month off with a fantastic Mother's Day.  Ryan and the girls made me crepes with fruit and whipped cream.  It was delicious.
The girls had their final dance concert.  Don't they look adorable.

We spent some time at the park with my mom.  

Peyton had her final 6th grade orchestra concert.  She wasn't able to practice or play at all with her cast on but she had worked so hard and had a duet that she had been asked to perform so she played for the final concert with her cast on.  She did so great and everyone was amazed seeing her play her duet with a cast.

Alexis took some swimming lessons from my friend Natalie.  She had never been swimming without some sort of flotation device so it was very scary to her at first.  By the end she could swim across the pool without any help.  It was amazing and it really helped me with the rest of our summer since we go swimming so much in Arizona.

Alexis celebrated her 4th birthday.  She is such a joy to be around and has such a cute personality.
She wanted whipped cream with strawberries for her birthday breakfast.
She wanted Grandma Ferrell's homemade chocolate cupcakes for her dessert.

Grandma and Grandpa Cardon came over to celebrate with us.

Grandma and Grandpa Ferrell came also.

Peyton finally got her cast off 3 days before school got out.  She was so excited because the 6th grade had a big swim party on the day she got it off and the doctor made sure he fit her in before the party started.  She got back to school just as the kids were getting on the bus to go.

Alexis had her preschool graduation.  She loved going to Ms. Cheri's preschool with a lot of her friends from our ward.

Here she is with Ms. Cheri (Cheri was my Young Women's president when I was a Laurel and I love that my girls go to preschool at her house).

Peyton had her World's Fair at her school and of course she chose the country of China.  Grandma and Grandpa Ferrell were a huge help and she definitely had the most stuff to display.

Peyton had her 6th grade graduation.

Peyton with her ALP teacher Mrs. Droeg.

Peyton and her teacher Mrs. Vogt.

Peyton just had to have a graduation party with her friends.  It was nothing spectacular but the kids all had fun.
My nephew Jacob is such a good sport to come to all of Peyton's parties even though he is usually the only boy.  This time he invited his friend to come so he wouldn't be so outnumbered.

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