The Ferrells

Sunday, October 11, 2009


We had a great day yesterday. The weather is finally starting to cool down and now we can start enjoying the outside again. When we woke up in the morning I took the girls outside for a bike ride. The girls enjoyed the freedom to ride around the cul-de-sac as many times as they wanted. After that my nephew Jaxon came over for a few hours and we played in the backyard for a while. Alexis decided she wanted to have some fun outside too so we let her have her first experience in the swing. She seemed to enjoy it but really all she wanted to do was chew on her toy.

Peyton loved pushing Alexis. At times I had to tell her not to push her so high but she was a great big sister.

Hailey enjoyed playing in the toy car and swinging too.

Jaxon really loves playing with the girls and he had a great time climbing the tree, swinging, and playing in the toy car.

I keep trying to get a picture of Alexis smiling but she seems to know when I have a camera in my hand because she just won't smile for me when I do. Oh well. She is getting so big and is getting such a cute personality. I just love days like yesterday.


Jen Hakes said...

Sounds like our weather is complete opposites for this time of year. I'm so glad you can enjoy being outside again. Your kids are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Why does Jaxon always look like such a bum in all the pictures you post on your website???
(On the flipside, your girls are gorgeous, as always!!!)

Nicole said...

I love when we can finally emerge from our homes and ENJOY the outdoors again. Please come by next week and let the girls enjoy our dog!

AnnaMarie said...

How cute! I can't believe how big Alexis is! Katie wanted to see her today, so we looked at your blog together, and she said, "No, I want to see Baby Alexis." So we had to go to her little baby pictures. I love that there are swings there!

Lisa J. said...

Your kids are so cute! Tessa was just like Alexis, she would totally smile until she saw the camera. Then she would stare at it trying to figure it out. I am glad that the weather is getting nice there even if it means its getting colder here.