The Ferrells

Thursday, February 20, 2014

January 2014

January was a slower month which was nice since December was so busy.  The most exciting thing that happened was the opening of the Gilbert Temple.  We were able to go to a special open house for families who had helped build the temple.  The construction company my dad works for did all the steel support structure and so we were able to tour the temple and take our time to look at all of the details and look around anywhere we wanted to.  This was especially neat because on the normal tour there are only certain rooms you get to look at so we were lucky to see everything.  The temple is absolutely beautiful inside and outside.  My girls loved every minute of it and were excited to tour the temple 2 more times with friends we invited to see it.  I can't wait to go back and do temple work there.

We went to Joe's Crab Shack and enjoyed wearing bibs and eating messy food.
Our waitress wrote names on each of our bibs and she called Addi "little crabby".  She looked so cute in her bib.

Addison has been growing up so much lately and she loves to do what her older sister does.  One day we had a play date with our neighbor Brielle and the girls decided to get in dress up clothes just like their older sisters.  So cute.

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